

MoonDesk is a collaborative tool for managing tasks and creating, modifying and reviewing documents.

It consists of 3 work modules that are articulated between a Web Application and an Extension in Adobe Illustrator:

  • Design module: Allows you to work directly on design files from an extension that is installed in Adobe Illustrator. This module is used by whoever is in charge of editing the graphic files (designers). The extension allows:

    • create or import documents

    • classify them

    • edit them

    • review texts with established rules

    • save with version log in the cloud

    • store and dispose of files at any time

    • download the document in different graphic formats

  • Communication and control module: These modules are managed from a web application and allow the collaborative participation of all the people involved in the process of creating and modifying documents and creating and approving tasks. The platform allows:

    • create, modify, manage and review tasks

    • upload, classify and manage documents

    • manage content based on tasks

    • send documents for review

    • check rules

    • manage roles and users user profile and account settings

    • access Customer Support

In addition, MoonDesk has a tool that allows you to visually compare the differences between an original digital document and a printed document, being able to expand the search with OCR technologies for the recognition of differences in the text or in graphic shapes and figures (Image Compare).

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