Create an account

To start using MoonDesk, the first thing you need is to create an account, you can do it both from the web platform and from the Adobe Illustrator Extension.

Create an account in the web application

User register

Enter the web and click on Register

  1. Enter the web and click on Register

  2. Complete the form and click Register. Once the information has been completed and the form has been sent, an email will arrive to confirm your address.

  3. Click on the link you received to your email box

  4. Once on the web, define your password (for security, we recommend setting a password of at least 8 characters consisting of an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter and a number)

  5. Select the type of company and define a name for your workspace *

  6. Click Save to finish creating an account

Depending on the type of company you choose, there will be some documents as examples to facilitate your MoonDesk experience.

IMPORTANT: You must confirm your email address to start using MoonDesk

*Windows profile

If you have a windows profile, you can use it to log in to MoonDesk.

Login to the system

Once your account is created you will be able to enter Moondesk:

  1. Enter the web and click the Login button

  2. Complete with your username and password

  3. Click on Login to enter your account

Create an account in the Adobe Illustrator extension

User registration

Click the Menu button in the upper right corner of the Adobe Illustrator Extension window.

  1. Click on Create Account. fill out the form and click Sign up. Once the information has been completed and the form has been sent, an email will arrive to confirm your address.

  2. Enter the link that we sent you by mail and create your password.

  3. Click Save. You will already have a workspace available in your name with some uploaded files so that you can learn to use the platform more easily.

For security reasons, we recommend setting a password of at least 8 characters consisting of an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter and a number.

IMPORTANT: You must confirm your email address to start using MoonDesk

*Windows profile

If you have a windows profile, you can use it to log in to MoonDesk.

Login to the system

  1. To access your account you must click on the Menu icon, in the upper right corner of the Adobe Illustrator Extension window

  2. Enter your username and password, the system will connect Illustrator with MoonDesk

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