Documents versions
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To see the versions in the Web Application go to the tab of a document and enter to visualize, there you will be able to see from the last available version to the first one that was made.
When a document is imported into MoonDesk, the first version of a document is created. As tasks are created and documents are modified, the different versions are archived, with the latest version coming first.
If you want to edit a version prior to the last one edited, you can retrieve it by accessing the version list in the document viewer.
Search for the required document in the search tab
Click on the image to open the file with the list of previous versions
Click on next to the version we want to recover, this opens exactly that version of the selected file
Click on save new version, there we will be saving as the last version, the required file
To see the versions in the extension of adobe illustrator do the search of your file, visualize and under the image of your document you will be able to see the different versions of the same one