Create Document
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The creation of a task implies an order to be made: create a new document, make a change in a document or request a revision.
Below we explain the type of task Create document.
To create a document you need to go to Document from the main menu and there to Create Document.
A screen will be displayed in which you must define the content of the task order (WHAT) and then those responsible for carrying it out (WHO).
A. Task name: short text used to identify the task in the listings (maximum 60 characters)
B. Priority: level of priority assigned to the task. It is indicated by the number of stars. It can be changed by clicking on the stars or by saving the task for the first time.
C. Task description: detailed text of the task to be performed
D. Attachments: files that can be added to better explain the task. (up to 10 and adding up to 20 mb in total)
Advanced inputs:
E. Find & Replace: list of values that can be searched and replaced in the edited documents in order to solve the task.
F. Content: (Formatted content). It is possible to place a specific text to be inserted in the design, with indications about its format or size in millimetres. Then in the extension, when clicking on the "copy" icon the text will be copied into the design avoiding copy/paste errors; when saving the new version of the document, moondesk will verify that the text is present, as part of an item in "check rules".
G. Task owner: is the person who approves the task or makes the request for change
H. Assigned user: person who must create the document using Illustrator
I. Reviewers: external persons who will be able to give their opinion on the task. The system will send them an email with an access link to the review screen, there they will be able to comment on the documents, but they will not be able to ask for changes, that role is occupied by the owner of the task.