States of a document
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The different versions of the documents stored in MoonDesk can be found in the following states
📄 Draft: Every time a document or a new version of a document is created, it will have the status "draft".
✔️ Approved: indicates that the document has gone through a review process and is ready to be used in the production process (printing). They will reach this status either by a revision process using the communication module or by changing the status manually from the Illustrator extension.
You can view the status of the latest version of the document when you perform a search. The approved status will always be highlighted in light blue and the draft status in black.
You can view the status of the latest version of the document when you perform a search in the Search tab, or when you edit a document. The status appears above the document preview.
In grey, the draft status
In light blue, the approved state
Only the owner of a task can change the status of a document, by approving it in the context of a task review.
To change the status of a document within the extension, you can do so from the Edit tab, by clicking on the status of the document.
This possibility will be activated only when you do not have the communication module